

EXtra was established in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 2003 by United Electronics Company (UEC) Commercial Register No. (2051029841), providing customers with a full-fledged shopping experience for consumer electronics and home appliances. EXtra introduces the world's leading brands and prepares a comprehensive product portfolio that includes televisions, audio systems, computers, mobile phones, IT communications, cameras, home appliances and personal care products. The product range is backed by comprehensive after-sales services such as extended warranty, free delivery to home door, and air conditioning installation. In addition, it provides computer maintenance anywhere, anytime, remote telephone assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, telephone setup with a comprehensive backup and maintenance across the Force brand around the clock. With 3 service centers across the kingdom, eXtra also provides home and electronics machine repairs.
ترجمات comprehensive
comprehensive, thorough, overall, inclusive, global, universal
واسع الإدراك
تعريفات comprehensive
complete; including all or nearly all elements or aspects of something.
It called for constituting a committee to conduct a comprehensive review of all aspects of the party's performance and make recommendations for future plan of action.
of or relating to understanding.
a secondary school catering to children of all abilities from a given area.
More than one in five teachers who taught some maths in comprehensives had nothing better than an A-Level in the subject, and the proportion fell to just over half in the case of RE.
أمثلة على comprehensive
As an example, one student who by his own admission did not study for, nor pass the senior comprehensive examination, took a job that required that he have national certification.
29 مزيد من الأمثلة
مرادفات comprehensive
inclusiveall-inclusivecompletethoroughfullextensiveall-embracingexhaustivedetailedin-depthencyclopedicuniversalcatholicfar-reachingradicalsweepingacross the boardwholesalebroadwide-rangingwall-to-wall
compcomprehensive examination

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تنفيذ وتصميم شركة آي سوت لتقنية المعلومات، سجل تجاري رقم: 1010910825.