
Zad is an electronic platform that provides you with a service that delivers all your daily needs and needs from a hypermarket or grocery store of vegetables and fruits, meat, bread, or even from our partners from other stores such as stationery, pharmacy, perfumes, and even coffee from Starbucks or Dunkin for example, and sitting we add More stores and more comprehensive products avoid street crowds, fossils, accounting queues, dimension stores and give your day a happier day.

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Welcome to بوابة وطن App

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أكبر دليل إلكتروني عن الخدمات

Here we help you discover and benefit from the many services in Saudi Arabia.

You will find the most important and most public offical services from one place

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For inquiries and suggestions, please contact us

[email protected]

© 2017 - 2024 جميع الحقوق محفوظة لبوابة وطن للنشر الإلكتروني.
تنفيذ وتصميم شركة آي سوت لتقنية المعلومات، سجل تجاري رقم: 1010910825.